Sambandet mellan hjärt-kärlsjukdomar och typ 2 diabetes: nationell studie svarar på flera frågor

Published 8 maj 2023 Circulation

Years of Cardiovascular Complications and Risk Factors in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Nationwide Swedish Cohort Study

Naveed Sattar 1 , John McMurray 1 , Jan Boren 2 3 , Araz Rawshani 2 3 , Elmir Omerovic 2 3 , Niklas Berg 2 3 , Janita Holminen 2 , Kristoffer Skoglund 2 , Björn Eliasson 2 , Hertzel C Gerstein 4 , Darren K McGuire 5 , Deepak Bhatt 6 , Aidin Rawshani 2 3




The goal of this work was to investigate trends (2001-2019) for cardiovascular events and cardiometabolic risk factor levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and matched control subjects.


This study included 679 072 individuals with T2D from the Swedish National Diabetes Register and 2 643 800 matched control subjects.

Incident outcomes comprised coronary artery disease, acute myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular disease, and heart failure (HF). Trends in time to first event for each outcome were analyzed with Cox regression and standardized incidence rates.

In the group with T2D, Cox regression was also used to assess risk factor levels beyond target and outcomes, as well as the relative importance of each risk factor to each model.

Results: Among individuals with T2D, incidence rates per 10 000 person-years in 2001 and 2019 were as follows:

• acute myocardial infarction, 73.9 (95% CI, 65.4-86.8) and 41.0 (95% CI, 39.5-42.6);

• coronary artery disease, 205.1 (95% CI, 186.8-227.5) and 80.2 (95% CI, 78.2-82.3);

• cerebrovascular disease, 83.9 (95% CI, 73.6-98.5) and 46.2 (95% CI, 44.9-47.6); and

• HF, 98.3 (95% CI, 89.4-112.0) and 75.9 (95% CI, 74.4-77.5). The incidence for HF plateaued around 2013, a trend that then persisted.

• In individuals with T2D, glycated hemoglobin, systolic blood pressure, estimated glomerular filtration rate, and lipids were independently associated with outcomes.

• Body mass index alone potentially explained >30% of HF risk in T2D. For those with T2D with no risk factor beyond target, there was no excess cardiovascular risk compared with control subjects except for HF, with increased hazard with T2D even when no risk factor was above target (hazard ratio, 1.50 [95% CI, 1.35-1.67]).

• Risk for coronary artery disease and cerebrovascular disease increased in a stepwise fashion for each risk factor not within target.

• Glycated hemoglobin was most prognostically important for incident atherosclerotic events, as was body mass index for incident of HF.


Risk and rates for atherosclerotic complications and HF are generally decreasing among individuals with T2D, although HF incidence has notably plateaued in recent years.

Modifiable risk factors within target levels were associated with lower risks for outcomes. This was particularly notable for systolic blood pressure and glycated hemoglobin for atherosclerotic outcomes and body mass index for heart failure.

Keywords: cardiometabolic risk factors; cardiovascular diseases; cerebrovascular disorders; coronary artery disease; diabetes mellitus, type 2; health; heart failure; myocardial infarction


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Viktigaste riskfaktorn för hjärt-kärlsjukdomar

De viktigaste riskfaktorerna för hjärtinfarkt, kranskärlssjukdom och stroke var högt blodtryck, högt blodsocker och höga blodfetter. För stroke var det viktigare med högt blodtryck och högt blodsocker medan blodsocker och blodfetter var viktigast för hjärtinfarkt och kranskärlssjukdom.

För hjärtsvikt var det högt blodsocker och BMI som var de viktigaste riskfaktorerna. BMI var den absolut viktigaste riskfaktorn för hjärtsvikt enligt denna observationerna studie.

Take home message: 

kontrollera blodsocker, blodtryck, blodfetter, njurfiltration och kroppsvikt så noggrant du bara kan. Se till att fokusera på samtliga riskfaktorer samtidigt. Minska dessa nivåer så mycket du kan och öka din njurfiltration med olika terapier. Se till att kontrollera dina riskfaktorer ständigt och ju tidigare desto bättre. Det är särskilt viktigt att gå ner i vikt och kontrollera blodsockret.


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